Auto Insurance in and around Bothell
Auto owners of Bothell, State Farm has you covered
Take a drive, safely
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Be Ready For The Unexpected
Everyone knows that State Farm has great auto insurance. From sedans to smart cars scooters to motorcycles, we offer a wide variety of coverages.
Auto owners of Bothell, State Farm has you covered
Take a drive, safely
Great Coverage For Every Insurable Vehicle
The right coverage may look different for everyone, but the provider can be the same. From collision coverage and comprehensive coverage to savings like accident-free driving record savings and Drive Safe & Save™, State Farm really shifts these options into gear.
Want to see the other options that may also be available to you? State Farm agent Barry Glenn would love to walk through them with you and help you create a policy that fits your specific needs. Get in touch with Barry Glenn to get started!
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Barry at (425) 483-6300 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions endanger drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Here are common driving distractions and tips on how you can help avoid them.
What to do if your car breaks down
What to do if your car breaks down
Check out this video to understand how best to handle an unexpected vehicle breakdown that lets other drivers know your situation and keeps you safe.
Barry Glenn
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions and how to avoid them
Driving distractions endanger drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Here are common driving distractions and tips on how you can help avoid them.
What to do if your car breaks down
What to do if your car breaks down
Check out this video to understand how best to handle an unexpected vehicle breakdown that lets other drivers know your situation and keeps you safe.